Boo and Tink are a bonded pair of cockatoos. They are a packaged deal and will not be adopted separately. They were well-loved by their owner before she tragically passed away from old age. In their old home they spent a lot of time out of their cage. Though they are bonded, it is better if they each have their own cage. Tink is an EXTREMELY cuddly and sweet umbrella cockatoo. She is a lap bird that loves hugs and pets. Boo, the bare-eyed cockatoo, can be slow to warm to people. However, when he trusts a person he is quite sweet and affectionate. He loves Tink very much and can be protective of her.
- SPECIES: Bare-Eyed Cockatoo and Umbrella Cockatoo
- AGE: 11 and 25 years
- FEE: $1500